Saturday, 2 July 2011

Poupee girl - Snapshot - July 02, 2011

A new shop is up - Mystery Event. That is the name but I really think this looks more like an old detective era event. When I read the name I thought it'd be the same with last year - Tarots, fortune tellers and all that jazz - so I was somewhat disappointed when I saw the items in Ribbons section, not only there is no "mysterious" items, most of the stuffs are ugly as well :\ The Jewels section have some REALLY nice limited items that I wish I could buy though, they were gone so FAST too, all of them were sold out a few hours after the shop was up. Limited Ribbons items were also sold out soon after that but I don't like them so I don't really care.

What I like the most about this event is the background, I REALLY wish I could keep it ;_; It looks so cool and pretty and you can even interact with it!! Depend on the stuffs you wear you can trigger things like a lamp, cat in a bush or some rats under the manhole, if you click on it various things will happen (too lazy to describe ....). But yeah, so cool D:

Anyway, I really like today's dress up so I saved it. Not really satisfy with the bag but it's cool enough :'3

On a side note, I started playing a webgame called Echo Bazaar - Fallen London (or something like that) a few days ago. It's pretty fun and dressing up like this sure remind me of that game xD

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